
Leader Teacher Pioneer

Astrology Readings


Astrology Readings With Daniel Sowelu


Daniel offers a variety of readings depending on what you want and need, whether soul purpose, healing journey, professional development, relationship dynamics and current life cycles (transits and progressions).

Most people choose an initial Sacred Life Mapping reading, which contains elements of all these focuses. The Intensive Focus readings are for those who have had an initial birthchart done, either by Daniel or another professional, for a deeper examination of the different parts of self and one’s world.

These are not your average readings but deeply personal experiences, exploring the very depths of your being, your challenges and unlived potency and freedom.

​Daniel includes 15 of the Asteroid archetypes in each chart, including a unique selection of the Asteroid Goddesses. ​Daniel is a pioneer in his field and one of few men in astrology actively promoting the reclamation of the sacred feminine in all her forms and, highlighting the increasing significance of the sacred marriage in our relationship evolution.

There are three ways you can experience an optional one or two hour reading with Daniel:

  • Face to face readings are available in Perth Australia.
  • Skype or Zoom readings available globally.
  • Remote readings are recorded digitally and sent to you by email as mp3 audio files and/or mp4 video files. There are no computerized interpretations or prepackaged recordings.

Daniel will be in touch with you via email to confirm the method and logistics of delivering the reading, and to collect any additional information related to work, relationship status, and any specific questions or issues you have.

Read about each of the different readings, and then book in, buy following the links below.

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Astrological Readings

What Others Say About Readings From Daniel Sowelu


Highly recommending a session with Daniel either via Zoom, Skype or face to face.  His reading of my chart and my son’s has given me so much deeper understanding of both our journeys and especially how to better to support my son.  I’ve had readings before but nothing like this.  His insight into the wild feminine asteroids and archetypes and how to harness their strengths is deeply transformative.

~ Sophie Moleta, West Australia


“Thank you Daniel, after my reading I feel I’ve had a reset on so many levels, especially about my career refocus, I am enthused about my upcoming projects and the timing in my chart couldn’t be more perfect.  It was especially reaffirming to have you acknowledge that I am working towards my soul purpose / south node. This was just what I needed, right now, as it has settled something in me quite deeply.. thanks again for the validation and direction…

~ Kerry, Perth


“I offer my deepest thanks for the reading you provided.  It truly felt like an altered state while receiving the transmission of profound guidance.  So much clarification and confirmation of bizarre, multidimensional experiences and sensations I have been gradually integrating, with many intensely challenging periods, for a long time.  On every level, thank you so much for this gift.” 

~ Louise, Melbourne 


“The reading you did, is such a fascinating journey of past, present and future. With its many high’s and low’s, I aim to be more accepting of life as it comes. I’m looking more for the lesson than feeling like the victim. I am so impressed by your process of holding so much information, yet being able to decipher and deliver it in such an approachable and personal way.  I listen to the reading  at night before going to sleep and every time keep hearing new Insights. Ridiculously grateful!”

~ Amanda, Perth 


“Almost everything you said resonated strongly, except for the bits about some of the Gods/Goddesses because I have no knowledge of them.  I felt like you were talking in to me, and not to me.  I sat like a sponge on the chair, absorbing every word and listening with my heart.  It was emotional to hear you talk of the conception, of my birth, the trauma and also the positive energies around at the time.”

~Kate, Perth 


“I have been completely wowed by what you have to say and your interpretation has opened up avenues of awareness and thought that I would never have predicted and has explained so much about my interactions with the world and with myself, particularly in the area of relationship. Totally fascinating when you bring the asteroid goddesses into the picture. Their subtle power and mystery are already coming alive and I am already getting a sense of something new arriving. I can totally see how vital it is that I start embodying these powerful aspects of my chart.”

~ Caitlin Sydney