Sun in Leo sextile Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, trining North Node in Aries
Eight days ago the Sun left the more conservative sign of Cancer and went into the highly extrovert Leo, quite a distinctive shift in energy towards, at least in potential, a more dynamically expressive period of time that highlights the need to allow our authentic individualism to be seen by the world.
And this is supported briefly by sextiles to a tightening conjunction of the warrior deity Mars with the expansive and opportunistic Jupiter. The former gives lots of extra drive, passion and the desire to achieve, while Jupiter, who is the only planet that gives off more energy than it receives from the Sun, creates a highly positive energetic between the three forms of the masculine. In short, we can get stuff done! Main thing to watch out for though is going over the top as Jupiter can present us with so many different, seemingly positive opportunities, making it hard working out which ones to give energy to.
Otherwise, this is a welcome injection of dynamic optimism in the face of what has been generally speaking very difficult time for most people.
Sun in Leo sextile Shiva in Libra, trining Persephone in Sagittarius
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Moon in Gemini sextile Venus in Leo, sextile Chiron in Aries, Square Saturn in Pisces
A Gemini Moon traditionally works well with a Leo Sun, a mercurial and dynamic mix of air and fire. So, we do enter the month with an inherent balancing between core feminine and masculine. This then works well with the emotional energy of the Moon connecting to a very passionate and expressive Venus position, a generally loving meeting that enhances relationship interactions, social occasions and generally having a good time.
Sextiling the more demanding healing energies of Chiron in the fire sign in Aries will keep the rather flighty Gemini Moon some much-needed grounding and act as a reminder not to resist the tendency to avoid more difficult subjects and opportunities for healing.
The major challenge the Moon faces at the start of the month is a square to the tough-love Saturn in the watery sign of Pisces (followed almost immediately by a square to Neptune!) Saturn is a no-nonsense teacher around necessity, discipline, grounding and healthy realism, appearing as an anathema to this rather cerebral moon position. The square also represents a conflict between the watery and emotionally fluid aspects of ourselves with the tenancy of Gemini to arise above the emotions in search of insight as well as escapism.
Mercury in Virgo going retrograde on August 5th, trining Hygeia in Taurus, squaring Mars in Gemini
Mercury transits to other bodies usually only last one to two days unless, like at the start of this month, it slows up significantly as it’s about to retrograde or to go forward motion. In a connection that highlights the healing potential of this month, this planet of the mind goes stationary as it appears to turn, at 3° to 4° of the earth sign Virgo.
Transiting through this sign not only slows the activities of the mind making it more practical and grounded than usual, it gives greater access to the feminine spiritual and healing dimensions of the earth priestess at the core of Virgo. To then trine the healing goddess Hygeia, an expression of organic purificatory and releasing aspects of Kundalini power, exactly for the first 10 days of the month is exceptional. Any spiritual, healing, tantric or therapeutic work during this period will have an additional charge, with the likelihood of some quite magical openings, releases and even awakenings.
Mercury Square Persephone in Sagittarius.
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Venus in Leo conjunct Medusa, trining Chiron in Aries, square Uranus in Taurus, Square Lilith in Scorpio.
While making a good start in trining the healer Chiron (who is always supporting greater connection between human and instinctual, upper and lower chakras, all of which serve to improve our relationships and sex life) the goddess of love hits the same territory that Mercury will collide with in the middle of the month. (The two will conjunct each other perfectly on the eighth.)
She will conjunct Medusa exactly on the 3rd/4th, a powerful joining of matters of the heart with this fierce and protective goddess but one that doesn’t have to be as bad as it sounds. How the Gorgon, or any of the other dark goddesses, expresses is highly dependent on how happy they are within our individual psyches, which is in turn determined by how much inner work we’ve been able to do on the releasing her pain and rage, while consciously reclaiming her as a valued part of ourselves.
If she is in a disowned or unconscious place within, the ancestral and cultural trauma she carries is likely to get triggered into our relating and/or have us freeze up in either protective mode or a cold enraged defensiveness.
The great paradox though is that it if she is happy and more integrated, she brings a powerful and fierce love, a potent tantric sexuality and great beauty into her joining with the goddess Venus!
Venus squaring Uranus talks about potential disruption in relationship, the desire for greater freedom and space, for breaking up old stale patterns in relationship ideally towards greater invigoration. It presents us all with that hoary old question about the balance between closeness and intimacy with the desire for greater individual expression.
Every relationship requires occasional periods of quality space away from each other in order to re-establish psychic autonomy which in turn can re-energise the connection.
Mars sextile North Node in Aries, conjunct Jupiter exactly August 15th.
In the middle weeks of the month, Mars joins the expansive Jupiter in a highly energetic meeting that broadens his physical and sexual dynamism in ways that can allow us to achieve a great deal in whatever way we focus our desires. There is a great deal of forward moving positivity in this combination as there is no lack of available energy.
The main caution around this union is just that; too much energy with too many attractive options can have us fall into the trap of taking on too much, of exaggerating our expectations or succumbing to excessive arrogance. All of which would be such a waste of good quality energy.
Jupiter trining Shiva in Libra and Psyche in Aquarius, squaring Hekate in Virgo
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Jupiter in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces peaking August 20th
After a brief and delightful sextile from the Leo Sun on the 7th and 8th, and the high energy Mars conjunction in the second week, Jupiter runs into a troubling brick wall in the form of his mythological father. This terse push pull or tug-o-war between the forces of expansion and the staider voices of consolidation and earthy realism is uncomfortable at its least and downright frustrating at its worst. Saturn has a way of throwing obstacles in our way to test the validity of what we’re trying to achieve, to confront us with our inner critic and to show up flawed thinking or lack of preparation that would inevitably trip us up.
As much as we would simply prefer to see him as a patriarchal arsehole, there always seems to be a hidden wisdom behind his actions. He seems to specialise in what we could call “character development” by testing out our response patterns in facing the inner and outer obstacles. He will certainly let us know if we’ve been too Jupiterian in our assessment of things!
Look after yourselves, take care and keep a close eye on the vulnerable in your world.
With love and blessings,