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Sun and Moon in Sagittarius

Before we get too excited, the start of December is still in the Dark Moon phase even though both these lights are in the same sign. The exact New Moon is actually 17 hours after (central Australian time) but we can nevertheless expect a dynamic month with lots of energy in the air and fire signs.

At 9° of Sagittarius, the Sun sits on the very edge between the Dark Moon and New Moon phases and energetically between the dark and light expressions of the centaurs energy. The shadow side of Sagittarius can include rigid and dogmatic belief systems, holier than thou arrogance, self-righteous ego expression and a destructive wildness that doesn’t care about what damage it does. (The not so noble centaurs were wild forest creatures, murderers, rapists and poisoners who loved alcohol, brawling and debauchery!) This is miles away from the gregarious, joyous, big-hearted, generous spirited, inner and outer wanderer who loves knowledge and adventures!

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Sun in Sagittarius in Grand Trine with Mars in Leo and North Node in Aries

This big, energetic, fiery triangle actually kicked in in the last days of November but will be given a significant boost as the Moon joins the Sun, embedding it in the New Moon energy. An action based, extrovert and forward moving combination, it not only supports us to achieve a lot in our worlds but also couples that day to day movement with the soul level pull of the Aries North Node. This Node calls us to live more dynamically and to express our individuality, while working the balance between individual freedom and the quality relationship drives of Libra.

So this is an auspicious time to act on our more expansive and liberating visions with a significant eye on what our souls wish to achieve in the next years of our lives.

Sun in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces

Despite the potential of the above, here is a significant roadblock, however temporary, to our efforts to get ahead inwardly and outwardly. Squares to Saturn often represent significant outer trials and being confronted with unseen issues that must be worked with. These can feel like expressions of the unfairness of life, the dream stealers or the act of some vengeful and uncaring god. It can certainly trigger both the absorbed inner critics from patriarchal sources as well as our reactivity around them. He will test this out to see how we’re going to respond.

However, one of Saturn’s roles is to show up what’s not working, whether from lack of attention, inadequate preparation on surface levels and/or from the subconscious issues that we haven’t been able to see until now.

In coming from the watery sign of Pisces, Saturn will challenge us around unresolved emotional or psychological issues, any delusional thinking or unrealistic expectations, around our escapism and, especially around where early trauma or unacknowledged emotional avoidance have created layers of anaesthetisation.

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 Mercury Retrograding in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini trine Chiron in Aries

In what is a brief and unusually short period, Mercury pivoted at 23° on the 26th of November, and now heads back into early Sagittarius to go forward again on December 15th! Any retrograde action tends to diminish the outer expression of an archetype while drawing the individual inwardly to do some necessary exploration there. And of course, you will get some of the classic symptoms of Mercury retrograde, misscommunication, correspondence gets lost, people misinterpret words and intentions et cetera. While in Sagittarius, a great lover of learning and discovery, this energy is better directed to explore within ourselves. This is especially true with the trine to the Wounded Healer Chiron, one of the best expressions of the teacher/healer within each of us and the nobility of refined Sagittarius energy.

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Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Black Moon and Hekate in Libra, trine Hygeia along with Chiron in Aries

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Venus in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus, sextile Neptune in Pisces

There is one of those situations really highlight the difference between traditional planet only birthcharts and those infused by some of the asteroids. This heading reflects the former, which looks like an excellent line up, which indeed it is on its own. Even though Venus is in the conservative sign of Capricorn, trining Uranus is a recipe for expressing our love with great freedom, flexibility, along with our individual uniqueness. It’s a great line up for breaking up stagnant parts of our relating, including boring repetition and having some fun along the way.

The sextile to Neptune is even lovelier, in the sense that Neptune confers the ability to open our hearts more emotionally and spiritually, of being able to connect with a loved one with much more vulnerability, sensitivity and even mystical unity.

However, Venus also forms an intense T-square with the Chiron/Hygeia conjunction in Aries conjunction opposite a Black Moon/Hekate/Medusa conjunction! As she works her way towards going into Aquarius on the 8th, and immediately hits an empowering conjunction with Pluto, she is going to get embroiled in a cauldron of healing and purificatory energy.

If you would like to read the rest of this piece, and understand more about the asteroids and goddesses in the current astrology, update to a Premium Membership. If you want to understand their places in your birthchart get either a Sacred Life Mapping reading or a Cycles of Shakti reading.

 Black Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

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 Parvati in Pisces conjunct Neptune sextile Venus in Capricorn, sextile Uranus in Taurus, trine Shiva in Scorpio

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 Mars stationary in Leo at 6°

We’ve already mentioned Mars’ participation in the grand trine with the Sun and North Node but in going slowly retrograde on the 6th, this warrior energy maintains his aspects to the Nodes for most of the month. This is a prolonged invitation to get our desires, will and egos in alignment with both our individual and collective soul longings. In the second week of the month, he will have some form of head-on clash in opposing his mythological beloved Venus.

More significantly though, while Mars in Leo is at the pinnacle of his assertive power and productivity, going retrograde can mean that this energy loses some of its outer mojo and is forced to look within. This turning can frustrate us on a number of levels. There can be a partial loss of drive and clarity, an extra layer of weariness at the end of such a strange year, or the body becomes hyper-sensitive and prone to infections and irritability. Take good care of your health and be watchful around internalised anger, burn-out and adrenal fatigue. Sometimes this is triggered by an actual illness, a significant ego defeat or the failure, however temporary, of a significant project or desire.

The warrior doesn’t go back into Leo until April, so there is more than enough time for polishing off his edges, releasing anger and older rage, and re-integrating him with other levels of intelligence and emotional awareness.

On a spiritual level, this kind of purposeful refinement of the raw and rage of masculine power is part of energetic transmutation of Mars into Shiva!

With love and blessings,
