
Leader Teacher Pioneer


Sun in Virgo conjunct Medusa, trine Hygeia in Taurus, trine Ceres in Capricorn, squaring Persephone in Sagittarius

While the Sun is the primary symbol of our solar spirit and core masculine, his passage through Virgo is a yearly journey into the realms of the earthy feminine, her goddesses and her priestesses. This is a significant and slowing transit particularly after the heat and extroverted passage through Leo.

This month the goddess connections are even stronger with the Sun aspecting a number of asteroid goddesses which in turn will be even more energised by a partial yet very powerful eclipse on the 18th. With each goddess involved the Sun shines the light of consciousness on the different aspects of each, presenting multiple opportunities for understanding and connecting with the goddess in all her forms.

In conjuncting the fierce Medusa (exactly on the 5th) we can expect some upheavals driven by ancient pain, trauma and rage, so we need to take some care not to do any damage in misdirecting her power but without denying the essence of her energy as a spiritual warrior, a protectress and as a guardian of the mysteries of the sacred feminine.

In most human beings, she will be a source of painful outrage but with her and the Sun trining the healing goddess Hygeia, who has a unique history with Medusa which includes the use of her potency as a purifier of pain, anger and toxicity. And it is not just to do with the Gorgon as the Black Moon, Lilith and Kali asteroid are all active during the month.

Consequently, Hygeia offers all of us opportunities to contribute to the healing of the distorted feminine in our family systems, our past life histories and from too much patriarchal culture.

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Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces Square Jupiter in Gemini

Yes, the Jupiter/Saturn tug-o-war continues between the exuberant, cerebral and entrepreneurial Jupiter in Gemini and his more conservative, realist father who continues to bring his capacity for earthy manifestation to the tricky waters of Pisces. The tension between them will be the strongest in the second week of the month, with the Sun opposing Saturn on the 8th to then square Jupiter on the 13th.

Within ourselves, this can be felt as an alternation between pessimism and optimism, brief successes and tripping into pitfalls, between youthful voices of hope and struggles with the inner critic. This uncomfortable and rather stressful dance is made even more tricky as both planets are in mutable signs of the Zodiac, which can feel like the ground underneath your feet is not quite as stable as you’d like.

However, this T-square has the ingredients and the necessary grit in the oyster of our hopes so that we can create a third way of being that honours the intelligence of both, where we can say yes to the opportunities while supporting them with earthy realism and an attention to fine detail.

Saturn is retrograding back through Pisces from 16-14 degrees over the month.

Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini, sextile Shiva in Libra trining Chiron in Aries

The planet of the mind has just turned forward motion on August 28th and so starts the month well by aspecting three expressions of the sacred masculine, as he slowly completes his passage in Leo, going into Virgo on the 11th.

Jupiter adds his positive forward moving energy to our thinking processes while connecting us to the enhanced intellectual dexterity of Gemini. As an expression of benevolent grace, he and Mercury can also heighten and lubricate the deeper healing powers and processes of the Wounded Healer Chiron. This is a particularly good three-way combination for both accessing the healing aspects of the masculine and necessary support for the healing any overexposure to wounded and wounding forms of masculine in our pasts, whatever our gender. This includes the wounds of abandonment, absent fathers, abuse in all its forms and the greatest of wounds, between mind and spirit, body and soul, upper and lower chakras.

Jupiter will travel form 19-21 degree of Gemini over the month before retrograding on October 9th.

… continued… in the paid membership newsletters.

Mercury sextile Mars in Gemini, square Uranus in Taurus, Square Kali conjunct Pallas Athena in Scorpio

All of this happens at the end of the first week of the month just before Mercury goes into Virgo. While the sextile to Mars is a dynamic energetic for getting things done, manifesting ideas and creativity and becoming more effective, Mercury simultaneously hits the Uranus square, which can make things highly unstable and rattle the cages of any mental rigidity or routinised behaviour. So, here’s another flashpoint in the collective, where the detached and un-emotional masculine has an explosive tangle with the primal physical energies of the warrior.  We can expect levels of irritability, anger and even rage in the collective to rise considerably and more personally, this is another time to be careful around use of language in interpersonal situations.

Venus Conjunct South Node in Libra, sextile Lilith in Sagittarius, trining Pluto in Aquarius

Firstly, Venus on the South Node describes this as an intensely karmic time for this goddess of love, and therefore, for our relationships. As a South Node speaks of positive and difficult karmas gathered over many lifetimes the experience of this can be very mixed.

It can bring people from the past back into your life, whether from this this lifetime or others. It can activate memories arising organically, finding yourself thinking about earlier connections, the unions and the separations or dredging up relationship issues that you haven’t fully dealt with. If it’s the latter, then this is a really good time for counselling or deeper therapy, as the essence of this lineup is to learn some major lessons about relationship so that you don’t simply repeat patterning that doesn’t really serve you.

Sometimes it will reconnect you with someone, joyfully so but whether this is about an ongoing potential or about completing unfinished business is not always clear.

There are great evolutionary forces behind whatever happens, and having a sextile to the feminist goddess Lilith is very supportive around courage to dive into the truth of things and, to demand a higher level of integrity, respect and equality in our relationships. The same applies to the Pluto trine which reflects the transformative potential of cleaning up the past and opening to the offerings of the futuristic visionary North Node.

(There is a cluster of asteroids here including the Black Moon, Juno and Eros, tightly gathered around the South Node, which both intensifies and complicates whatever surfaces here!)

Venus, South Node, Black Moon, Juno, Eros Stellium in Libra

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 Mars in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces

Having moved away from his conjunction to Jupiter in mid-August, and from his square to his consort of Venus later last month, Mars is now going into some tricky territory before entering Cancer on the 5th. Along with the square with the slippery Neptune, he has a number of minor but complicating semi-sextiles and inconjunctions with Uranus, Pluto, Kali and Pallas Athena, none of which talks about smooth sailing.

One image that arises here is of the Mars warrior thinking he’s doing okay and yet finding himself standing waste high in a swamp with all sorts of unspeakable creatures creating ripples in the muddy water.

In this situation, Neptune will present us with psychic emotional complications that we’ve either been ignoring in our efforts to get on with life or that we have been unconscious of. As this material arises it can sap the physical energy of a person or create some kind of illness, however short-term, to force us to stop and to face whatever emotions or deeper intuitions we have been overriding.

On a whole other level though, there is a hidden invitation here, to be able to get our masculine warrior energies in greater alignment with our sensitivity, its deeper insights and ultimately our spirituality. Along the way, it is very important not to try to push through as it can only make things worse and create a higher potential for some physical problem to undermine our efforts.

 Partial Lunar Eclipse September 18th 10:44 AM AWST, 12:44 PM AEST

While this is not an exact full moon eclipse it is an extremely powerful one spiritually, with the Sun in Virgo and Moon in Pisces in both T-squares and Grand Trines that speaks of a mix of tremendous grace and transformative power surges. However, both Sun and Moon are linked to 3 potent goddesses wrapping around a Sun/Neptune/Moon opposition.

Fortunately, along with the actions of Jupiter, the eclipsing opposition is creating a Grand Trine involving Pluto (now in late Capricorn) and Uranus in Taurus, with each trining the Sun and his goddess companions, while sextiling the Moon and hers. The potential for both deep and dramatic change is tremendous.

However great this potential is, it is not a time to push to make things happen or let your ego do the driving. However great the Neptune presence is spiritually, the planet’s purificatory function can flush up all sorts of disturbances that make clarity difficult to achieve and, the combination with Jupiter can make for self-delusion masquerading as some form of heightened awareness.

Moon/Neptune combinations also heighten our degree of psychic sensitivity, so it is not such a good idea to be out in public especially after hours as there will be some very messy energies around that none of us need to take on. The same applies to parties, recreational drugs or alcohol.

It is however a brilliant time for spiritual, healing and therapeutic practices, for retreats and for clearing ancient distortions to both sacred masculine and sacred feminine.

You can see why I have created the new workshop for the weekend preceding the eclipse, to take up the opportunity of working with extraordinary goddesses and their masculine counterparts. Join us if you can!

With love and blessings,
