As a pioneer of space, the higher realms of the human intellect and the interface between mind and spirit, the Aquarius Sun is very happy to be lining up with Jupiter who in many ways rules, along with Uranus, the expansion of human consciousness. Trines to Jupiter represent an easier flow towards positivity, optimism, insight and experiences that lift us beyond the boring and the mundane.
Both the Sun and Jupiter have access to levels of healthy detachment that are more able to perceive the big picture beyond the entanglements of the psychic instability and chaos of this time. However, with so much expansive and positive energy, we have to be watchful around going over the top, with ungrounded ideas, utopianism and a kind of spiritual or intellectual arrogance that becomes as much divisive as the worst of rigid thought.
Generally speaking though, we can enjoy the largess of this alignment. It can offer us alternative and more liberating thought patterns to those that can drag us down into the underworld of despair and, powerlessness. There is also a great deal of humour, positively weird thinking and playful trickster energy in this combination, so make sure you take up opportunities to have some good fun and enjoyment.
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While a minor aspect, this semi-sextile highlights the dramatic differences between Aquarius and Pisces, both of whom sit on the extremes of our emotional and intellectual ranges. They are just so different, him a traveller of mind and space, she a watery being who swims in the psychic realms of deep emotion and hypersensitive perception. Each is absolutely brilliant in their own unique essence and, both can be seen as “space cases” but for very different reasons. While the semi-sextile doesn’t push for great change, it lets us know that we need to own both to create any authentic masculine/feminine balance.
In the meantime, these can get pretty messy, especially with the Moon, for as good as any aspect to Jupiter normally is, a square linking two mutable signs can make things highly unstable emotionally as we juggle the mind/emotion interface. Good luck with that!
This planet of the mind is going to zoom through Aquarius to go into Pisces on the15th of February. He is normally incredibly happy in the sign of the Waterbearer, as he is given maximum mental and intellectual freedom by the sign, a hyper creative situation as Aquarius confers the ability to see things from vastly different perspectives and often to see from multiple perspectives at the same time! This explains both its dry, weird and remarkable sense of humour, and its capacity for innovative and tangential thought.
Having Mercury go through Aquarius is like having a half-trained Kelpie come visit, who then becomes Tigger-like bouncing around our brains with multiple, quick-firing and diverse thoughts!
Mercury starts the month separating from his conjunction with the intense underworld god Pluto. You may have noticed that the houses that include Scorpio and Gemini will be at times consuming your thoughts and drawing your attention to some weighty concerns in those areas of your life.
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While still retrograding at a slow and steady pace in Cancer (not the most liberating of energy fields for our inner warrior and action man!) this month Mars will go stationary at 17° of the sign on February 24. After this day, we may experience that Martian masculine drive starting to slowly rev up again and shift gears.
This stationary period will colour most of the next six weeks and any part of our charts at 17 to 19° of any sign will get an unusually prolonged transit. How you experience him individually depends on which parts of self he will activate.
This phenomenon will also apply to his square to Chiron in Aries and his trine to Saturn in Pisces, two other personally significant parts of the masculine. We can expect to be confronted with wounded parts inwardly and outwardly in some areas, as Chiron will activate old wounds to be brought to the surface and ideally released, as part of an invitation to do deeper healing.
As for Mars trining Saturn, going exact from the 7th to the 13th, this is a great transit for getting things done, especially if your goals are important to you emotionally and allow you to give form and structure to the spiritual and creative subtlety of Pisces.
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Firstly, a revisit of what the transiting North Node of the Moon is about. While in our birthcharts this point describes aspects of our ultimate individual soul purposes, particularly those that will be ready for manifestation in the second half of our lives. It’s like a visionary point of what our soul wants for us before we leave this body.
The transiting North Node however (and there is debate around this amongst astrologers) highlight energies that want to be expressed across the planet in the future, some of the seeds of which are present here and now, whether we are aware of it or not. And this is irrespective of how crazy things are at this time, some of which will get worse! (Chiron will conjunct the disruptor goddess Eris midyear!) But if we look hard enough and keep up our meditation practices and any other kind of visionary work beyond or beneath the operations of our minds, as well as trusting our deeper forms of intuition, we will be able to progressively bring together the pieces of a significant soul inspired jigsaw puzzle.
The symbolism of Venus, Neptune and North Node, especially in Pisces, talks about the same levels of manifestation described in the segments on Mars above, but is more than just about one individual project. It describes a potential life that is consciously, deliberately an expression of our spirituality, our creative gifts and from a deep ongoing conversation with our very souls and its longings.
The presence of Venus enhances the same creative potential but more importantly, our drives are informed by love and by that which we love. A Venus Neptune conjunction alone speaks of enormous heart openings, of being able to love beyond selfishness, being able to love devotionally as an ongoing act of service to the planet, to humanity, to all sentient beings.
Now this is a difficult vision to reconcile with the violence, the greed and the bigotry so much on display at the moment and at times it can be a bit too easy to fall into despair. Which is why the work in preparation for this vision is not a new age, ascension-oriented dream but requires the simultaneous deconstruction of toxic patriarchal forms while purifying and reclaiming the deep sacred feminine. Pluto act as powerful support for both with sextiles to the three!
In the context of here and now, there are some things to watch out for. As great is the potential for transcendent experiences of love with Venus and Neptune, it can be all too easy to project our spiritual longing onto a significant other who may or may not be worthy of it. Keep a close eye on your teens for instance. Watch your own boundaries and be wary of gaslighting and manipulative predators. You can expect bouts of sometimes over the top romanticism but don’t shut down because they are small-scale reflections of a deeper longing.
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May we have Venus, Neptune and North Node’s blessings for the great work!*
With love,
* This is a brilliant time for Shiva and Kali sadhana, and for working with any of the Shakti goddesses found in Sally Kempton’s book “Awakening Shakti”.
If you want live or online support, I’m available for Cycles of Shakti readings and experiential astrology sessions, whether online, or in-person in New South Wales or in Western Australia!